Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jonas Brosthers ROCK!!!

S and I went to the Jonas Bros. Concert!!!! It was a car filled with 3 moms and 5 girls. We went to eat steak and then on to Altell Pavilion (Walnut Creek) for the concert. We got about a 30 min. concert form Demi Lovato, and hour from Avril Lavigne, and then over and hour and a half form the Jonas Bros. The poor moms had to show the girls how to jump up and down while swaying their arms side to side. Fortunately the girls were quick learners and got over their mortification of their moms dancing when they realized every other person there was doing the same thing. The ride back will also hold special memories. There is NOTHING between Raleigh and Greenville that is open at midnight, not even a gas station. We stopped in Zebulon (it was midnight) in the hope that McD's was still open. Well, the drive-thru was open but the dining room area was not due to construction. we had some little ones that needed to potty...... and I got to thinking.......and there is was.......Port-a-potty!!! Of course everyone in line was laughing at us but I met each girl with a large squirt of hand sanitizer and we had a very comfortable ride home. Never mess with a momof3!!! :0)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Leprechauns vs. the girls!

S and I went into town with a few of her friends to run errands and pick up some lovely required public school uniform pieces.......don't get me started on that one. While we were gone some leprechauns came into her room and turned everything over and just made a terrible mess. The brothers from several families that had stayed at home knew absolutely nothing about the leprechauns coming to visit. I guess they were too busy playing Rock Band to hear them! Well, the sisters from several families decided to get revenge while the brothers were all outside playing baseball. If this blog only had "smellivision" you could smell the Axe cologne in S's room and Brittany Spears perfume in I's room! What fun, what fun!!!

As close to the carribean as we'll get right now!

Every day that we went to the pool at the neighboring resort there was a woman that was braiding hair by the pool. Now you know that S REALLY just HAD to have it done. Here is the picture taken right after it was done, and then when we took it out 10 days later. She was hoping to make it to the Jonas Bros. concert with it still in, but it started looking a little fuzzy so she asked to have them removed. She did enjoyed wearing her hair pulled back with a headband and wavy that day. Surprisingly enough it never hurt her head!

Friday, July 18, 2008


S really was enthralled with the snakes. It's a given that the boys were. She really enjoyed the snake feeding....maybe a little too much! Here she is with a Galapagos Tortoise also. She is most proud of her boa picture.

Alligator Adventure

The kids and I went to Alligator Adventure, The Reptile Capital of the World at Broadway at the Beach. I was thinking to myself, "What a waste of money, this place is tiny and will be such a let down to the kids." Boy, was I wrong. They LOVED it! It really isn't a very big place but the people who work there are so nice and very eager to talk to you about the animals. They have alligators, crocodiles, snakes, bears, and tigers, along with a few birds. S took most of these pics too. I wish we have more of the lemurs. They had a two month old baby and it was so much fun to watch the interaction between the older lemurs and the baby. The kids decided lemurs are a cross between monkeys and our cat, Rico! We were there at feeding time and what a interesting thing to watch. The same handler feeds them daily so they knew when she came close to their room what she was doing. S also thought the albino alligators and "Bob" the alligator. He was born without a tail, and in the wild he would have died. He has a small enclosure that features a small shallow pool. Since he doesn't have a tail, he can't swim! As he grows, so does his grassy area. The kids had heard of him from a friend so they were thrilled when we finally found him.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


The guys really wanted to try out NASCAR park while we were in town. If you notice all the kids are trying to be so cool in the pics. Of course S chose a pink car!! S and T rode together in the simulator ride against J and I. I decided he'd do the course backwards and enjoyed all the wrecks he created along the way. Even with all of that he came in 10th place while the others didn't place. We decided something must have been wrong with the others...for real!! The scary thing is that he'll be driving within the next year.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Myrtle Beach Vacation 2008

We went to Myrtle Beach this year on our family vacation. We stayed at the Royale Palms, part of the Hilton complex in Arcadian Shores. We got an oceanfront condo that was FABULOUS! We were able to cook and really spread out, nice when you have teens and tweens. Here are some pictures that S took that show you the view from our condo. She also took pics when she, T, and I went for a walk. She loves to take pictures of nature and I think her pic of the crab is awesome!